How to Make Cherry Blossom Flowers
Alright boys, it's time to put our manly passions behind us and endeavor on something a little more "feminine". No guns, grenades or explosions this time. We're making flowers. And pink flowers at that. What spurred this on? Well recently here in Korea (and Asia) it was cherry blossom season. Which meant that for one week, parks and roads were filled with these beautiful white pinkish flowered trees.
My wife and I at a parklands in Seoul, Korea
If you've never experienced it before, it's quite mesmerizing. You feel like you're in a surreal Dr Seuss world where the trees have turned pink and white.
I was so inspired by the experience that I decided right then and there that I would try to recreate the feeling in Blender.
So here it is...
Finished Result
Flower Petal Texture (modified version of this texture from CGTextures)
Bark texture (modified version of this texture from CGTextures)
Sunny Sky HDR (free sample from my upcoming Architecture Academy course)
Further Inspiration
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! I look forward to seeing some cool flower scenes from the community :)
PS. In a few weeks time I'm going to be releasing my new course The Architecture Academy! If you could spare a few minutes of your time, I'd love to hear what you struggle with most: Quick Architecture Survey. Cheers!