Recreate the Hallway Scene from Inception - Part 1 of 2

Part 1

Blender Tutorial - In this tutorial you will discover: How to create a complex hotel corridor How to effeciently use arrays and mirrors to save modelling time Dozens of tricks to help you with hard surface modelling


Part 2

Blender Tutorial : In this tutorial you will discover how to: Use indirect lighting Use soft reflections to increase realism Apply DOF and color grading using the compositor

If you’re like me then you watched Inception with your jaw on the floor. Not only was the story thought provocing, but the visuals were fantastic. One scene in particular took Hollywood to new levels by changing the point of gravity mid-way through a fight scene. 

That scene has been ingrained in my mind ever since, and I’ve always wanted to recreate it in Blender.

The Finished Result

Be sure to come back next week as we tackle lighting, materials and rendering to create the final image :)